Your journey back to fitness.

Becoming a mother really is amazing, but both, pregnancy and postpartum bring huge physical and hormonal changes. If you are like me and you have always been active, trying to stay fit with all the changes and the growing belly, scaling down the movements and adapting your fitness through different stages of pregnancy, has most likely been challenging. 

Once you have a baby you might want to rush your postpartum recovery and start too soon with everything that you have been doing pre-pregnancy. But listen, there is no such thing as “bouncing back”; there are no time limits on rebuilding of the deep core and pelvic floor muscles and regaining strength. This is also a journey, a challenging, frustrating, but a rewarding one. 

Every Pregnancy is different and every Postpartum Journey is unique. Each woman has own healing and rehabilitation experience, so please don’t compare yourself to others. This Program will support you in your Postpartum Journey but it should never replace the advice of your healthcare provider. If you at any time experience pain or any vaginal bleeding when performing any of the prescribed movements please check with your healthcare provider if everything is going well with the healing.

Be gentle to yourself. There is no better or faster way to recover than what you are doing at the moment.  Our bodies go through so much, we need to give them time, special care and attention. If you feel especially sore after a training, please take extra day or two to rest. There is never too much rest for intentional healing and it will be always more important than the intensity. Celebrate every little breathwork and every little exercise that you do. Sooner than you know you will be as strong, if not stronger, than you ever were. 

Postpartum Programs

4 WEEK PROGRAM “Foundation”
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This program is designed to help you recover and re-establish strength for functional movement needed for your everyday life. It will help you find your way back into fitness, and for going back to your pre-pregnancy favourite sporting activities. This is the first step in your rehab training after having a baby.

  • You will learn about intentional breath exercises, how to reconnect to your deep core muscles, pelvic floor muscle strength, coordination and relaxation. We heal from the inside out. 

    You will learn why consistency in breathwork is so important for your rehabilitation. You will focus on your breath in movement of everyday life. You will then incorporate breathwork into more complex movements. You will do posture work, unilateral strength and belly massage (no matter if Vaginal or C-Section birth). Together we will lay a foundation for effective and efficient movement mechanics. 

    This Progam starts with bodyweight movements, mobility and stability, gradually increases the range of motion and complexity of each movement, and finally toward the end adds a bit of load and minimal intensity. You will regulary get an opportunity to check in with your body and how you are feeling. This will teach you how to pause and listen to your body's response to training that you are doing. 

    The program has three days per week for four weeks, but you can of course do it at your own tempo. It can be done from anywhere. All you need is a Kettlebell, Dumbbell or Bands. Online support is included. Please only start the program once you had clearance from your doctor.

8 WEEK PROGRAM “Consistency”
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This program includes a 4 Week “Foundation Program” plus another four weeks of training where you will gradually start increasing the volume, load and intensity you do in a week of exercise.

  • After the foundational 4 Weeks we will continue working daily on the intentional breath exercise and focus on bringing these breathing patterns into our workouts.

    You will also start going back into incorporating some more dynamic and explosive movements into your workouts.

    The program has three days per week for four weeks, but you can of course do it at your own tempo. It can be done from anywhere. All you need is a Kettlebell, Dumbbell or Bands. Online support is included.

    Please only start the program once you had clearance from your doctor.

SOLD OUT, Please Email me to put you on the waiting list when again available.

This program includes the “Foundation” 4 Weeks and “Consistency” 4 Weeks Program and another 4 Weeks of Progressive Overload that will get you back into more advanced and intensive fitness routine including working your way back to hanging on the bar, pull–ups, toes to bar and other gymnastic movements.

  • Now that you know how to breathe to connect your core to your pelvic floor, but more importantly how to breathe while moving with or without added load, you will do 4 Weeks of Progressive Overload and get into more advanced and intensive fitness program.

    Breath-work is still going to be a big part of these 4 weeks, and you will also start working your way back to hanging on the bar, pull–ups, toes to bar and other gymnastic movements. By now, you feel stronger from the inside out, you have been consistent with your breathing exercises and your workouts, the only thing that is missing is that confidence in more advanced movements. No matter if you had a pull-up before pregnancy or not, in the “Consistency Program” we will build strength that will help you achieve that.

    The program has three days per week for four weeks, but you can of course do it at your own tempo. You need access to a Kettlebell, Dumbbell or Bands, a Pull Up Bar, Set of Rings. Online support is included.

    Please only start the program once you had clearance from your doctor.

Postpartum Program Gift Card
from €79.00
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1:1 Postpartum Coaching

The personalized postpartum coaching directly with me


Your Postpartum App - Get Back to Fitness

By purchasing one of the programs, you will get access to the app for free



Always consult your doctor before beginning any new exercise program. Any Information in this Progam is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace the advice of your healthcare professional. If you experience any pain or difficulty with these exercises, stop and consult your healthcare provider.

  • Postpartum coaching is a valuable form of guidance and support aimed at helping new mothers navigate the challenges and changes that occur after childbirth. It provides a holistic approach to ensure the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of the mother during this transformative period.The postpartum phase is a time of adjustment, both physically and emotionally. Hormonal changes, sleep deprivation, and the demands of caring for a newborn can leave mothers feeling overwhelmed and uncertain. Postpartum coaches are trained professionals who specialize in providing personalized support to help women regain their strength, confidence, and balance during this critical period.One aspect of postpartum coaching is focused on restoring physical health. Coaches work with new mothers to develop exercise plans that are safe and appropriate for their postpartum bodies. This may include gentle exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor, core, and overall muscular strength. The goal is to help women rebuild their strength, improve posture, and alleviate any discomfort or pain they may be experiencing. Emotional support is also a crucial component of postpartum coaching. Coaches provide a safe space for mothers to express their feelings, fears, and anxieties. They offer guidance on managing mood swings, baby blues, and postpartum depression. By providing tools and strategies to cope with emotional challenges, coaches empower women to prioritize self-care and foster a positive mindset.Postpartum coaching extends beyond the physical and emotional aspects and addresses practical concerns as well. Coaches can provide guidance on breastfeeding, infant care, and establishing healthy routines for both mother and baby. They may offer resources and tips on nutrition, sleep strategies, and time management, helping mothers find balance in their new roles.Another important focus of postpartum coaching is fostering self-care and personal growth. Often, new mothers struggle to prioritize their own needs amidst the demands of caring for their infant. Coaches encourage women to engage in self-care activities that reconnect them with their own identity and passions. They help them set realistic goals and create action plans that align with their values, nurturing personal growth alongside their role as a mother. Postpartum coaching provides personalized and tailored support to meet the unique needs of each individual mother. Coaches understand that every woman's postpartum experience is different, and they adjust their approach accordingly. Whether it's offering practical advice, emotional support, or accountability, postpartum coaches are there to accompany mothers on their journey towards optimal well-being.In a society that often puts pressure on new mothers to bounce back quickly, postpartum coaching offers a compassionate alternative. It recognizes the physical, emotional, and psychological transformations that occur after childbirth and provides a roadmap for women to navigate this significant milestone in their lives. By investing in postpartum coaching, new mothers can discover the strength, resilience, and confidence needed to thrive as they embrace their role as caregivers and nurturers